
Have 3 month experience in RoR application development and web development at Softserve IT Academy.

About project I attended to:
Web application for the university department. The application gives user opportunity to authorize, and after admin’s approval user will have role like "Teacher", "Expert" or "Mentor" etc. Due to role user has different permissions. Authorized users have the opportunity to offer news or events, they will be published depending on the role, if it is a student after the approval of the administrator.

Created user profile
Created change password and descriptions
Created email change confirmation
Created mailer for sending e-mail change verification e-mails
Created tests for user, emailchangerequest controller, model
Created filtering users, by role
Created a user search using ajax
Technologies that I used:

Framework: Ruby on Rails
Gems: CarrierWave, Devise, CanCanCan, SettingsLogic, StateMachine, Bootstrap
Background processor: Sidekiq
Version Control System: Git
Methodologies: SCRUM, tool - JIRA

Offer expectations:
Back-end developer


Ruby RSpec Git HTML Linux CSS OOP Basic SQL Bootstrap HAML MVC RoR Rails Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL CI/CD

Looking for

Get experience on interesting projects, tasks.

$400 / mo

  • Ukraine, Chernivtsi
  • No experience
  • English: Pre-Intermediate
  • Office
  • Remote work
  • Moving to another city
  • Published 22 August 2019