
- Programming languages: C#, T-SQL;
- Technologies: ASP.NET MVC 4, WebAPI, WebForms, WCF, WinForms, Entity Framework 6, LINQ, PLINQ, TPL;
- DataBase: MySql, MS SQL, PostgreSQL;

Two years working is not in a commercial company. Developed SCADA system, its interface and services of data collection from metering devices and measurements. In the development of the system used technologies .Net MVC, WCF, OPC, Entity Framework use Linq xml technology for read configuration and was used MS SQL for back-ground and on front-end use JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap 3.0, AJAX. personally led the development of services and took part in the development of the web interface. personally led the development of services and took part in the development of the web interface. Refactoring of the old system and its support, and developed a reporting system for chemical control of heating water. All projects developed with unit-test.


C# .NET ASP.NET ASP.NET MVC LINQ OOP WCF WinForms XML Entity Framework .NET Core JSON Design Patterns REST API MS SQL Server SOLID Dependency Injection

$550 / mo

  • Moldova, Odessa
  • 2 years of experience
  • English: Pre-Intermediate
  • Office
  • Remote work
  • Freelance (one-time projects)
  • Moving to another city
  • Relocate to another country
  • Published 24 August 2019