
Participated in two production projects, used languages and technologies: C#/.Net Framework, OOP, Entity Framework, LINQ, SOLID, REST API, MS SQL Server, Design Patterns, ASP.NET Core. Used programming approaches: OOP, SOLID, Design Patterns. Worked with Agile methodology.


C# .NET Entity Framework LINQ OOP Git SOLID REST API SQL Design Patterns Dependency Injection ASP.NET MVC .NET Core MVC .NET Core ASP.NET MSSQL MS SQL Server

Looking for

Interesting tasks, career progression possibility.

Verified candidate

The candidate had at least one successful hire through Djinni.

$600 / mo

  • Ukraine, Dnipro
  • 6 months
  • English: Pre-Intermediate
  • Office
  • Remote work
  • Freelance (one-time projects)
  • Published 12 December 2019