
Python, django, git,

Windows administering
Linux administering
Network administering (routers, firewall, ftp, mail servers on Windows)


Windows HTML Linux WebServices Git Django Python SQLite


- System administrator for more than 4 years.
- Administration of Linux OS (Ubuntu) - (proftp, apache, access rights)
- Administration of monitoring system Nagios, Zabbiks
- Basic knowledge of Python (scripting)
- Telegram bot

Looking for

- Interesting projects
- Improvement of skill level
- Getting new skills
- Working with innovative tools
- Improvement of existing knowledge

There is a desire to participate in a real project, but there are no high skills in programming. I really need a start to becoming me as a developer.

Perhaps for you it will be routine and boring work, but for me it will be an excellent experience and a chance to improve my skills

$400 / mo

  • Ukraine, Kyiv
  • 4 years of experience
  • English: Intermediate
  • Office
  • Remote work
  • Freelance (one-time projects)
  • Published 21 September 2018