
JavaScript - 5 years,
TypeScript(basic) - currently learning,
Python - using since 2014,
Ruby - used

ReactJS - 1.5 years,
Node.js, Express.js - 1 year,
Next.js - 0.5 year,
Django/DRF - 1 year,
Ruby On Rails - 1 year
Databases: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Firebase

UI: HTML(5), (S)CSS, Flexbox, CSS Grid, Bootstrap, Material UI, Materialize CSS, Tailwind CSS, Bulma, Semantic UI, Ant Design

Deployment: Google Cloud, Firebase, Digital Ocean, Netlify, Now, Heroku

Version control: Git, Github & Bitbucket, Git Flow

Environment & Tools: macOS, Linux, VSCode, Webpack / Parcel, Babel, ESLint, Postman, iTerm2

JavaScript frameworks & libraries:
React Js / Redux / React router dom / redux-thunk / redux-saga / Styled-components / CSS modules / prop-types / lodash / uuid / react-transition-group / react-spring / Express Js / Mongoose / react-navigation / Bootstrap / react-intl / react-apollo / apollo-server / apollo-boost / classnames / bcryptjs / body-parser / jsonwebtoken / express-graphql / axios / Moment Js / date-fns / query-string / react-icon / dotenv / google-auth-library / mapbox-gl / react-google-login / material-ui / antd / concurrently / cors / json-server / nodemon / react-toastify / cookie-parser / stripe / next js / emotion / react-loadable / cheerio / puppeteer


React Redux JavaScript HTML5 Git CSS3 Bootstrap CSS HTML Django Ruby on Rails Python Ruby Node.js TypeScript REST API JSON ES6+ ES6 MongoDB Firebase MySQL OOP Webpack Express.js NextJS jQuery Material-UI WebSockets Vue.js GraphQL Apollo Client Styled Components Nginx redux-thunk SOLID REST RESTful APIs CSS Modules Apollo GraphQL Flexbox Babel Asynchronous JavaScript Bitbucket GitHub Git Flow PostgreSQL Bootstrap 4 SQL Axios AJAX MVC TypeORM Linux Mongoose Redux Thunk Jira ES7 Jest styled-components Next.js SASS Lodash npm SCSS JWT Selenium WebDriver FrontEnd Apollo HTML & CSS Webpack 4 Ubuntu RSpec Redux Saga Twitter Bootstrap Facebook API Google API Google Firebase Google Analitycs React Hooks React DevTools React Router Node.js + Express.js Express Photoshop Adobe Photoshop ECMAScript 6 VanillaJS MongoDB Compass yarn RegEx Material UI Puppeteer CI/CD WebSocket Postman OOP/OOD Grid nvm web development Socket.io Gatsby algorithms ESLint Responsive Web Design PHP WebStorm Scrapy Vuex Nuxt Nuxt.js GitFlow GitLab vue-router NestJS Docker Visual Code Studio Cloudinary MongoDB Atlas DigitalOcean NoSQL React Native Flux Pug Jade DRY SSH LESS Stylus RxJS React-Native Shell Ant Design http MacOS MS SQL Server AWS Lambda user experience Koa Redis


Some of my latest pet apps:
0) Advent Calendar with React and Styled Components
Demo Site - advent-cal.netlify.com
code: github. com/DenisRebenok/react-advent-calendar

1) Social App - MERNG Stack
MERNG stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js & GraphQL. This is a simple social app which user may comment or like on other users post.
Demo Site - merng.netlify.com
code: github .com/DenisRebenok/merng

2) Favorites Movies/Directors Database - a simple full-stack app built on top of React, Node(Next.js) and GraphQL
github.com / DenisRebenok/graphql

3) React Movie Database app
The app that fetches movies data from API, sort & display list of the popular movies with animations
Demo Site - react-mdb.netlify.com
Code: github. com/DenisRebenok/lumdb

4) An app that finds song lyrics using React and the Musixmatch API - lyricfinderjs.netlify.com

5) GithubBattle
An app where you'll be able to see the most popular repos for a variety of languages as well as battle two Github users to see who has the better profile
Code: github. com/DenisRebenok/github-battle
Demo: githubattle.netlify.com

6) geopins.den4ik777.now.sh - A live geolocation app where users can 'pin' different locations on the map and share their own content with other users in real-time -- to share pictures, reviews of the location and area, interact with other users by adding comments to their pins and manage the pins they've created.

7) spacex-launches-react.herokuapp.com - React app that displays SpaceX launch history stats (launches, rockets, missions) and built on GraphQL server with NodeJS(Express). Consuming data by the client with Apollo Client

Have experience in building Restful APIs with Node.js (Express). Also, I have experience in building telegram bots using Telegraph .js library

Looking for

I want to improve my technical skills and work in a friendly team with Senior developers on interesting projects.

Interesting and complex tasks. Work with startups or exist projects

Passionate about building world-class web applications. Looking to develop my experience of React.js and/or Node.js to create Web-applications with great UX/UI according to Agile methodologies.

For the moment I'm not considering a full-time job in the office, only remote

$1200 / mo

  • Ukraine, Kyiv
  • 2 years of experience
  • English: Upper-Intermediate
  • Office
  • Remote work
  • Freelance (one-time projects)
  • Moving to another city
  • Relocate to another country
  • Published 24 August 2020