Основний напрямок роботи — розробка власних програмних продуктів для підвищення продуктивності праці розробника та оптимізації робочого процесу. У нашій продуктовій лінійці: бібліотеки для інтеграції вебкомпонентів у Java і .NET додатки, CQRS/Event Sourcing фреймворк для високонавантажених додатків, засноване на Deep Learning рішення для обробки зображень.
За десятиліття роботи фахівці компанії брали участь і в outsource-розробці. Рішення, що ми створюємо для замовників, використовуються найбільшими компаніями у сфері мереж та телекомунікацій, біоінформатики та комерційної обробки зображень.
Розробники компанії беруть активну участь у житті спільноти.
Ми випускаємо та підтримуємо фреймворк для високонавантажених додатків (spine.io) — він доступний для всіх охочих на GitHub. Крім цього, ми популяризуємо Domain-driven Design в рамках ініціативи DDDi (dddi.dev) та серії мініконференцій на супутні теми.
Ми співпрацюємо з Google, Adobe, Hewlett-Packard, Nokia Corporation, Siemens, eBay, Mercedes-Benz, Airbus та іншими. Наші технології використовуються для таких середовищ розробки, як IntelliJ IDEA та MyEclipse Genuitec.
З 2007 року в компанії відкрито інтернатуру з підготовки молодих програмістів. На постійній основі проходить набір для студентів технічних ВНЗ за напрямом Java. Також існують напрями AI та C++.
Подробиці за посиланням intern.teamdev.com.
Головний офіс розташований у Харкові, у 2014 році відкрито офіс у Чорногорії — для поєднання роботи та відпочинку.
Senior Engineer with Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform for desktop
Full Remote · Europe except Ukraine · Product · 5 years of experience · Upper-IntermediateWe are looking for an experienced engineer to bring Compose Multiplatform expertise into our products: — JxBrowser, a leading commercial solution used by 1.5K+ companies, including Intel, Google, Mastercard, BMW, Bosch, etc. — Productivity dashboard...We are looking for an experienced engineer to bring Compose Multiplatform expertise into our products:
— JxBrowser, a leading commercial solution used by 1.5K+ companies, including Intel, Google, Mastercard, BMW, Bosch, etc.
— Productivity dashboard application for those drowning in endless issue trackers, letters, meetings, and everything that takes time. With this system, we don’t aim to replace existing solutions but to adjust the focus of users’ attention.
This position does not imply working with Android SDK.
Processes and Instruments
In product development, we build a process based on agile methodologies. The priority is the solutions’ quality rather than the speed of bringing functionality to production.
We widely use static analyzers, pay great attention to code cleanliness and automated tests, and conduct mandatory code reviews for all changes to improve efficiency.
The system and API design is done with the extensive use of Domain-Driven Design.
We are using Event Storming to define requirements. For mid- and long-term planning we go with Wardley Mapping.
The technology stack that we use in our products:
— Latest Kotlin.
— Java, JxBrowser.
— Protobuf, gRPC.
— Spine Event Engine.
In everyday development, we use the following tools:
— Git, GitHub.
— GitHub Actions for CI/CD.
— IntelliJ IDEA.
What you will do
— Participate in the development of desktop applications and UI components on macOS and Windows using Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform.
— Suggest ideas for improvement and future product development. Find ways of practical implementation of these ideas.
Knowledge and skills required
— 5+ years of working experience.
— Ability to program in Kotlin.
— Experience in Compose Multiplatform.
— Extensive experience in conducting code reviews.
— Upper-intermediate level of written and spoken English.
Would be a plus
— Experience in releasing and maintaining desktop applications in production mode.
C++ Engineer for Our Products
Europe except Ukraine · Product · 7 years of experience · Advanced/FluentAbout the project Our commercial libraries for Java and .NET developers — JxBrowser and DotNetBrowser — allow you to use the full power of the Chromium engine in cross-platform desktop and server applications. We help bring the “web” to desktop...About the project
Our commercial libraries for Java and .NET developers — JxBrowser and DotNetBrowser — allow you to use the full power of the Chromium engine in cross-platform desktop and server applications. We help bring the “web” to desktop applications.
The cross-platform core of these libraries is written in C++. The core is tightly integrated with the Chromium engine and provides its API through which Java and .NET libraries can “communicate” with Chromium. Libraries communicate with the core via IPC, based on Protobuf for serialization/deserialization and Shared Memory/Sockets for transferring data between processes.
Our libraries are used in commercial and internal projects by over a thousand companies with a high demand for the quality and stability of integrated solutions.
Hundreds of open-source projects, from the ones supported by large companies to individual small projects, use our products.
What you will do on this project
- Participate in the development of a cross-platform core (C++).
- Get to know how the various features and internal tools of Chromium work.
- Extend the core API and provide access to new Chromium features.
- Ensure compatibility with the latest versions of Chromium.
- Constantly improve your skills in designing, implementing, debugging, and documenting solutions.
Knowledge and skills required
- 7+years of experience in C++ development.
- Good understanding of TDD, OOP, and API design principles.
- Strong knowledge of Git or other DVCS.
- Responsibility, discipline, and ability to solve non-trivial problems.
- Upper-intermediate or higher level of both written and spoken English.
- Readiness for business trips in Europe.
Will be a plus
- Experience with Python, Java, .NET, Objective-C.
- Creating your own product or C++ library.
We offer you
- To become a part of a product team where results are №1 priority.
- Processes with best engineering practices focused on quality.
- Flexible schedule and possibility of remote work.
- Long-term, stable project.
- Chance to participate in a bonus program based on product sales results.