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About PromoRepublic

PromoRepublic is a fast-growing SaaS company operating in the MarTech domain.

We create a leading social media marketing platform for marketing agencies, brands with distributed workforce, and small businesses. With our intelligent products, companies can efficiently manage social media no matter the scale, distribute content in line with their brand guidelines, empower local partners to represent their brand, maintain a consistent brand identity, as well as control brand’s reputation across all locations.

That is the way we empower brands on social media together.

We’re recognized as a High Performer 2021 by G2Crowd, and featured in prominent publications like Forbes, TechCrunch and TNW

PromoRepublic is an active participant and a booster of SaaS and MarTech communities in Ukraine.

Our multicultural team works mainly from Helsinki, Kyiv, New-York, London, etc.

Why work with us?
- You’ll create a product that solves real business tasks and helps clients reach their business goals
- You’ll be in an innovative environment and have opportunities to try out new approaches
- You’ll level up your expertise and deepen your knowledge of marketing technology, working in growth culture
- You’ll work with big clients from the US and Europe - Expedia and other Fortune 500 companies
- You’ll be able to work from anywhere in the world - we have a distributed team and work remotely
- You’ll be part of a culture of transparency,integrity - we openly share our goals, plans, OKRs, and ideas

Be yourself, enjoy what you do, and have fun working with us!

More about our company and careers:

Company website:

DOU company page: